The Reconciled Self


The emphasis of this writing is to address the issue of internal reconciliation of the divided self. The divided self iis a notion of the internal struggle of the Christian who claims to have faith based upon being created in the imago dei or the image of God; having a relationship with God through the Messiah and the Spirit of God residing within the believer. When traumatic experiences, such as the pandemic occur, why do some persons of faith seemingly have no faith in the one who proclaimed, “Do not fear for I have overcome the world” (John 16:33, NIV)? Persons of the community of faith have reported suffering from depression, anxiety, frustration and fatigue while at the same time agreeing with the psalmist, “though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death. I will fear no evil” (Psalm 23:4, NKJV). In my view, this points toward an internal battle between the intellect and the soul of believers. This work looks at potential causes of such a condition and offers some, however not exhaustive, recommendations for alleviating some of the conceivable struggles that we face with our divided selves.