The Bible and Africentric Pentecostal Moral Decision-Making, 2017


The following article elucidates a framework for moral decision-making, which reclaims features of African traditional religions and includes these ideas in an approach that can be used by African-American Pentecostals to justify moral claims. The suggested approach privileges the role of the human agent, not a collection of texts, in determining the rightness or wrongness of an act, or states of affairs in the world. This paper, too, invites the African-American Pentecostal to appreciate the fact that the Bible is not, a comprehensive ethics manual to be regarded as the Word of the Radical Presence. The essay closes by showing how the present model has the philosophical capital to make a strong case for what can be viewed as the distinguishing features of an Africentric Pentecostal ethical methodology and to position African-American Pentecostals to use the Bible responsibly in deciding the goodness or badness of choices and particular moral actions.