The Book of Proverbs and Its Relationship to African-Ewe Proverbial Communication, 2011


This article is an invitation to scholarship to take another look at the function of ancient Israelite Wisdom Literature; not only as it encroaches on the Pentateuch and Prophetic literature, but also as it relates to African-Ewe (and other) theologies and vice versa. In particular, the pervasiveness of proverbs and wise sayings among Ewe people makes proverbs the most fertile ground upon which the message of the Bible can be planted, nurtured and brought to fruition. In other words, because proverbs and wise sayings are a kind of theological backdrop of the life of the Ewe people, Christianity needs to approach the Ewe people with the wisdom of Proverbs in order to bring the people to understand, accept, imbibe and put to effective use the message of the Bible since Ghanaian-Ewe proverbs and wise sayings can be a very effective way of transmitting the Judeo-Christian message to the peoples of Africa in general, and to the Ewe people of Ghana in particular.