Several biblical texts relate how God called and commissioned men and women to serve in various ministerial capacities. Scholars have generally viewed divine calls as following a discernible structural form, viz., call narrative. In his article on the call narrative, Norman Habel identified six steps characteristic of a biblical call narrative: (1) Divine confrontation: when the agent of Yahweh or Yahweh makes an initial intervention in the life of the callee. (2) The introductory word: a statement alerting the targeted person that it is Yahweh giving the word. (3) Yahweh’s commission: the callee is assigned a specific task. (4) Objection: The callee expresses an objection to the commission and cites all the strong reasons why the commission should not be accepted. (5) Divine reassurance: Yahweh allays the callee’s fears by giving reassurance. (6) Signs: at this point the callee asks for signs in order to be certain that God is talking and appointing.