Spirituality and Leadership In The Afrikan Church in North America: A Reflection, 2006


Since the formation of Afrikan Churches in North America, there has been “dis-ease” in Afrikan Zion. Far too many Afrikan-descended Christian leaders teach and preach the Bible as if it says nothing about the lived experiences of oppressed Afrikan peoples. The gospel, after all, proclaims liberty to the captives. While not denying the role that Afrikan-descended leaders have played in abolishing systemic forms of oppression through various protests and rebellions, there remains a self-deprecating consciousness among Afrikan followers of Christ. Why? It is the way teachers, preachers, and leaders in the Afrikan Church, image both God and Christ; fail to take our own agency seriously as we come to the texts of Scripture and governance of the Church; and insist on replicating the liturgical practices of our historic oppressors.