Presenting the Issue, 2001


The editors of JITC are pleased to present this theme issue—journey inward, journey outward. This proposition is Howard Thurman’s concept of “social regeneration”—“a vital response to outward situations as a result [in part] of an inward movement.” Thurman’s “divine discontent” forced him to reach out, to seek, and to explore new possibilities for life. The ITC/FaithFactor Project 2000 Study of Black Churches has pushed us to the “cutting edge” of a faith-based community revitalization initiative—an examination of African-American religiosity with the Black Church as the central reservoir, the inward sanctuary. Project 2000 enables congregations to understand what is happening regarding worship, spiritual growth, community outreach, and managing, and leading. With the dissemination ofthis information to church leaders and congregational members (the outward thrust), a long-lasting legacy of the Black religious experience is reconfirmed.