Black Theology: Vanguard of Pan-African Christianity in America


As a particular theological formulation and system, Black theology attempts to engage some religious descriptions, interpretations and expressions of the life styles and God-consciousness of Black peoples, beginning in the African context and moving into the Black diaspora. In Black consciousness, the revelation of God is experience with special kinds of universal implications. As “the” theology it is the relevant message (kerygma) of God-activity in the contemporary situation. God has called Black people into the center of history. (He has called and calls others also.) Salvation history, in terms of Black experience, is for a divine purpose. Black history is not purposeless. The Black religious experience has become a reference point in the drama of human redemption. Black theology, whether “a” or “the” theology, is not the only theology, but it is the most relevant revelation of God-activity to accomplish a “Providential design” in the contemporary world, -certainly from the Black point of view. Probably it is the only theological enterprise in contemporary history that can serve the circumstantial will of God in moving the Black experience toward a historical and universal mission.
