The Impact of the Black Church: Sole Surviving Black Institution


You are correct in including a discussion on the Black Church in any conference dealing with black culture, past, present or future. Indeed, as a minister and theologian, I am overjoyed to be a part of this significant conference. The Black Church was born in the African forests and has been our extended family during our experience of our sojourn in the New World. The black religious experience is the essence of our heritage, both oral and written. In a recent conversation with one of our greatest black churchmen, Rev. Dr. Thomas Kilgore of the Second Baptist Church of L. A. and president of the Progressive Baptist Convention, the observation was made that “our black religious heritage is too rich to be consigned to history. It must be preserved “for our posterity.” He, therefore, pledged his moral support for those who are busy recording our religious heritage. I was greatly encouraged by these remarks, as I am by my invitation to share this conference experience with you.
