Recent Directions In Black Theological Education


When the committee charged with the responsibility of selecting a speaker for this occasion of the inauguration of Dr. James Deotis Roberts as the fourth president of The Interdemoninational Theological Center, we were highly conscious of the seriousness of our task. We feel that in the selection of Andrew Young as the man for this occasion we have fulfilled in a highly laudable manner our task. For, first of all, he is a product of the ethos of the black community. Secondly, he so adequately symbolizes our ideal of a Christian minister. He is as is well known eminently qualified educationally, with honors too many to enumerate. Personally I am honored because Andrew Young has for a long time been a contemporary in the civil rights struggle for freedom and human dignity. I recall, as a member of the Board of Directors of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, when he was employed, first, as a staff member, and, subsequently, elected Executive Director of that organization. When he was elected a United States Congressman from the 5th District of the State of Georgia, the Reverend Dr. Young did not relinquish his interest in the civil rights movement, nor did he hold his peace when he was appointed Ambassador to The United Nations. Indeed, his commitment to justice have overflowed into every responsibility that he has assumed. Many persons in our nation, in other nations, indeed, in the world, have not always agreed with Ambassador Young, but without exception, no one has had an occasion to question his ethical commitment or moral integrity. For he has accepted every responsibility knowing full well that there could well come that time when resignation was more desirable than the compromise of personal integrity. It is for this standard that he has earned our respect and acclaim. As scholar, politician, as Christian gentleman, a world reknown and recognized
statesman, as spokesman for justice and human dignity, he is my ambassador still. I have the greatest happiness in presenting to you Ambassador Andrew Young.
