A Theologian’s Reflection: The Church And The Cuban Revolution


A group of theologians, pastors and laity, was invited by the Ecumenical Council of Cuba to participate in a week-long seminar, June 22-29, 1984. We focused on the theme, “Theological Homage in Memory of Martin Luther King, Jr.” The Ecumenical Council extended the invitation through the Black Theology Project, a group of black theologians, pastors and laity who are committed to reflection on the black religious experience as the point of departure for talk about God, people and the world. Local participants at this seminar were the Baptist Student Council which represents over two hundred Baptist churches in Cuba, the Evangelical Theological Seminary at Matanzas, the Methodist, the Presbyterian, the Episcopal and Pentecostal churches. Although the Archbishop of the Roman Catholic Church attended a worship service in homage to Martin Luther King, Jr., in which he was embraced by Fidel Castro, the Roman Catholic Church did not actively participate in the seminar.
