From Strength to Strength A Brief History of the Black Church in America


Any history of the Black Church in America requires tracing that history to Africa, since this is the origin of the people of the Black Church. Further, this discussion assists in refuting the felt and expressed position of some anthropologists, historians and theologians who portray Africa as an uncivilized, “dark” and jungle-filled continent that has contributed nothing of value to the world. For it is common knowledge today that Africa is, not only the cradle of humankind, but the source of civilization as well. The culture, especially the religious, that influenced European and Middle East life and thought had its genesis in northern Africa, especially in Kemet (ancient Egypt), Ethiopia and Nubia, now Sudan. Historically, systematic efforts have been mounted to rob Africa of its rich culture—including its advanced technology—by stripping Egypt and Saharan Africa from the southern portions of the continent. Achieving this, it has been possible to present a scenario that supported the view that Africans had made no major contributions to world civilization.