To See What the End Will BE’ A Response to Stony the Road We Trod: African American Biblical Interpretation


Having been familiar with the process which led to the production of this volume, it is difficult to contain the excitement. I remember when Thomas Hoyt, John Waters and Randall Bailey were gathering names of African American Biblical Scholars. At
that time, I did not know what the end would be; perhaps they did not know either. Appropriately entitled, Stony the Road We Trod: African American Biblical Interpretation, the book has arrived, and not a day too soon. The biblical (chastening) rod has indeed been bitter. Struck down on every side, we were. We were brow beaten, brainwashed. We were whipped with selected scriptural passages taken out of context. We were crucified by distorted biblical interpretations. Who would have thought that we would ever rise again?