The Queen of Sheba and African Matriarchal Precedence


The preceding statement taken from the objectives of a popular course taught at the Interdenominational Theological Center by the distinguished “dean” of African American biblical scholars, Emeritus Professor of the Old Testament, Dr. Charles B.
Copher, will serve as the motivation and undergirding principle of this discussion. I use it here because far too often in Christian history it has been biblical interpretation rather than the Bible that has created distortions and misunderstandings among the faithful. After the Enlightenment biblical interpretation fostered prejudice and sometimes racist presuppositions via Eurocentric/Caucasian biblical hermeneutics. Accordingly, Professor James Washington writes, “Hegemonic claims that one tradition or one interpretation of the Christian story is or ought to be normative forecloses the immense ingenuity of God’s salvific vocation.”