The Leadership Crisis In The Black Church: The Search For The Right Pastor


Since the emergence of the Black Church out of slavery in this country the black preacher has been viewed as the unchallenged leader of the Black Church and the Black community. In these modern times, however, the leadership role of the Black pastor is coming under tremendous scrutiny and condemnation. The challenge, in some cases, is emerging from within the Black Church itself. The Black pastor is no longer the only authority, or source of leadership in the Black community. Blacks today are seeking advice from their lawyers, doctors, psychiatrists, financial consultants, and other professionals. The preacher no longer has the final say in all matter concerning the church and the community. The Black preacher of today must take God’s vision for the Church to the church officers for their approval, and those who hold these offices may be better educated than the pastor. The Black pastor of today, therefore, is finding that he or she is being challenged as never before.