Martin Luther King Jr. and the 21st Century


We give thanks to the Creator God, to Ndugu T’Ofori-Atta (George Thomas), a brother for more than 20 years, who asked me to pinch-hit or substitute for Lerone Bennett, and to Roseanna Brannon, administrative coordinator for PACCC I. I want to first start with my relationship with Martin Luther King, Jr. It was thirty years ago today that I met Martin. Indeed, 30 years ago, three Blacks and two whites, from different backgrounds, made a commitment to stand up for justice together. We all piled into a station wagon—starting off in Little Rock, Arkansas and driving throughout the south. That was 1958 and you can imagine what happened. Also, in 1958, we went to his house while he was recovering from a stab wound that occurred in New York City. This was the beginning of my relationship with Martin.