Introduction: A Cuban Encuentro


In June of 1985 twelve theological educators from Protestant seminaries across the United States and about the same number from Seminario Evangelico de Teologia (SET) in Matanzas, Cuba, participated in a joint Colloquium on Theological Education for Global Solidarity held for two weeks at the Matanzas seminary. The purpose of the Colloquium was to explore perspectives on issues of theological education of common interest to educators from the U.S. and Cuba, especially focused on the theme, “Education for Solidarity: What Constitutes Liberating Intercultural Theological Education?” The Colloquium (or encuentro, as we called it) developed out of conversations three years earlier in Cuba between Alice Hageman, who was spending a semester teaching at SET, and Jane Cary Peck, participating
in the World Council of Churches pre-Assembly visitation to Cuban churches. We continued these conversations when we returned to our work in Boston and subsequently discussed our ideas and proposal with the administrators at SET.