How Do We Educate and for What? Reflections on U.S. Graduate Theological Education


The question put before us for discussion at this point in our Colloquium on Theological Education here in Cuba is “How and why do we educate?” This is no small question, for it compels us to look at what we are doing as educators, and to ask if our methods of theological education are consistent with the substance of our teaching and with our concerns for liberation education in global community. Let me begin by situating our discussion around three small words in the question I was asked to discuss: we, how, and why. For we need to look at our context as U.S. participants in this encuentro, as well as how
and why our institutions seem to be educating. After looking at the way liberation theologies shift the method and purpose of our educational praxis, I want to turn to a discussion of education as exodus and how we can be at work on this important task of doing liberation/feminist theology together with others.