Are Women Full Participants in Theological Education, Church, and Society?


The issue of women’s full participation in the church and throughout U.S. society has become increasingly important to many of us. At the same time, during the last ten to fifteen years, many feminists have realized increasingly how complex the pursuit of justice for women is in our society. Let me say here at the outset that many of the same basic social
issues and political forces are at work in relation to the lives of Jewish and other U.S. women who are not Christians (Moslems, Hindus, Buddhists, atheists, and others, including the growing group of women who identify themselves as postchristian). But this morning, while I will be referring to issues and forces which affect all U.S. women, I will be focusing my attention on some of the particular concerns of Christian women. I will be doing so, as I noted in Spanish, as someone whose own work and roots are embedded deeply in the soil of a Christian feminist liberation commitment.