Are Women Full Participants in Theological Education / Church / Society?


With great pleasure and satisfaction I have accepted the invitation to participate in this Colloquium on Theological Education held in Matanzas Evangelical Seminary, with which I have been related for more than 30 years as a professor, and for the last 10 years as an administrator until recently. At the same time I do it with concern, because the topic I am supposed to present is so challenging and important to me—“Are Women Full Participants in Theological Education/ Church/ Society?”—that I have promised myself I will dedicate the rest of my life to make it positively possible. Today as far as the specific topic I will develop, which is Women in Theological Education and Church, I cannot say much. We have not accomplished much in Cuba in these two aspects, in spite of living in a Revolution for more than 25 years, even when much has been accomplished in our society in relation to women. My “companeras” will tell you about this later on.