The Cuban Woman in Church and in Theology


We had thought to start by thanking the organizers of this event for the space given to women in this very successful Martin Luther King workshop. However, do you think it necessary that we be grateful for this? Gratitude? I don’t think it would be honest to be grateful for what is given. But we believe that our voice, the voice of Christian and revolutionary woman, is nothing more than our inalienable right which we use with fervor and full consciousness of the responsibility it entails. We believe it just that the voice of the Cuban Christian women be heard here — their feelings, concerns, frustrations, achievements and future hopes — because during these days in Cuba, beneath the sky and sun of this island of liberty and love, women and men, whites and blacks, Cubans and North Americans have met to remember Dr. King who, pushing aside all the myths and legends which for years had been woven about inequality based on the color of skin, set forth on a passive but firm war against all that minimized men and women, that made them inferior. His struggle was one against all types of discrimination.