The African-American Worship Experience and The Bible


The word worship is derived from the Anglo-Saxon weorthscipe which evolved into worthship and finally into the present word. The study of worship has been formally listed as the science of liturgies, or a study of the development of form in worship. The Greek word in the Septuagint, leitourgia, which translates the Hebrew word Aboda, is the basis for the word liturgy. In the New Testament the word leitourgia indicates the general service which Christians give unto God. It is translated “ministration” and is applied to the work of Zachariah, the priest (Luke 1:23), to the public service of the disciples (Acts 13:2), to Paul’s spiritual service of faith (Phil. 2:17), and to Christ’s ministry (Heb. 8:6). Our intent in this presentation is to investigate the African-American’s general service which Christians give unto God based on their formal worship experiences in light of historical and biblical bases.