A Response to Dr. Wimberly’s Paper


The paper begins with a discussion of three basic impulses behind black worship, namely, positive self image, wholeness and praise to God. He pinpoints the problem of an imbalance between ideological battles and a full understanding of the impulses behind black worship. Finally he offers an understanding of worship and takes a look at the place of small groups in community life. Although I agree with many of Dr. Wimberly’s notions, the paper doesn’t challenge me to explore new possibilities nor offer additional insights. It lacks originality. Some questions come to mind that would have been stimulating: Have the psychosocial needs of black people changed? What is the role of black worship in a world where blacks are being acculturated, or are attempting to assimilate into the mainstream of American life: What new needs are emerging for those who are achieving some success in the larger society? Is black worship responsive to the corresponding psychosocial and spiritual needs?