Sexism in the Black Community and the Black Church


There are not many black men in or out of the black church and in the black community who will confess to being sexist toward their sisters. To many of them the question of sexism is not an issue in the black community at all. It is usually perceived as a “white thing.” Black men generally hold that the dominant issue that all Blacks must contend with is racism. All other problems must be subordinated to this more fundamental concern. It is my contention, however, that sexism is indeed a serious problem in the black community and the black church. Because of the links between racism and sexism it is neither necessary nor constructive to insist that one of these must be subordinated to the other in the order of importance. Rather than set up a dualism between them, we must endeavor to be sensitive to both of these as well as to other forms of oppression and to see the interconnections between them, and the hopelessness of expecting to solve any one of them without making a serious effort to address the others.